What to do If you experience a  leaky roof? Our Guide

What to do If you experience a  leaky roof? Our Guide

Nothing spells trouble like a leaky roof during the holidays. There is a precaution to consider inspecting your roof early on to avoid costly water damage in the future. Let's assume you didn't inspect your roof and quickly noticed ceiling spots when it rained.  What are you supposed to do about the leaky roof?

Roof Contractors Los Angeles, CA

Finding  The Roof Leak

The very first step in a roof leak situation is finding the roof leak no matter what. In Los Angeles, CA many homeowners have slightly pitched roofs with attic space for insulation and ducts. Homeowners generally access a staircase to the attic. If you are not familiar with this space, consider stepping foot in your attic to see what is there.

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Inner City Skyline | Roofing Contractors In Los Angeles, CA | 855-751-4663

Once you are in your attic, you can go to the area you noticed ceiling spot and see if the water is seeping through. This is the best way to discover where the leaks are coming from and how to correctly repair the area. If the task of climbing, bending or crawling is too much, please consider hiring a licensed contractor like us.

Patching The Roof

I am not going to share the tedious tasks that go into repairing a roof because homeowners are not roofers and repairing your roof is the job for a roofing contractor. However, we will share helpful tips to make your estimate with our roofers much more productive. If you managed to get to the attic and discover where the leak is coming from, whether it is a small opening in your roof, or a bent flashing, inviting roofers over for estimate is wise. When you explain the details, you can share the location, how you found it, and what could potentially be on the other side of the attic. What I mean is what kind of roof do you have? What material is it made out of? Is it flat, pitched or slanted? These are important concepts to understand before a price can be estimated.

During Your Free Roof Estimate

During your roof estimate, you might get lucky and have a wonderful project manager that can explain, educate and provide a competitive price. Often times you will get pushy salesmen that don’t know much. If you do happen to get a project manager that is not as experienced, you can ask them to explain the process. You can also ask for multiple prices and detailed estimates.  Make sure to check CSLB (contractors state license board) to verify the qualifications and reputation of the contractor your hiring. Lastly, make sure to get multiple estimates since everyone's workmanship is not the same.

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Inner City Skyline | Roofing Contractors In Los Angeles, CA | 855-751-4663