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Bathroom Remodeling Tips - 3 things every homeowner should know

When was the last time you remodeled or replaced your bathroom? 

Most homeowners will answer at least 5 - 7 years.

Reasons for remodeling?

Bathroom remodeling is common project for homeowners for numerous reasons. My first and most favorite is circumstance. Homeowner might get married and have a wife that wants a specific designed bathroom. A couple might want to build a baby friendly bathroom.  Others might just want spa like features installed in there existing master bathroom. All of these are excellent reasons to upgrade and remodel your bathroom. 

Make use of your entire bathroom remodeling space - Tip 1

Most bathrooms are small and hard to design properly. The best way of designing a space is using what you have and what you can get rid of. If you have a bathroom that has space to expand, homeowners should expand. Adding just 50 SQFT to a bathroom, can make a huge difference. 


How to make use of your bathroom

If you have space for a soaking tub, I recommend you take the opportunity, spend the extra thousand and invest in a free standing soaking tub. In today's stressful world, we need a place to unwind, and relax. Nothing beats relaxing in a free standing soaking tub. 

If the space for the soaking tub is just not there, try installing a free standing shower enclosure. Its one of the best investments for homeowners as it uses less space, and can be used for showering or soaking. 

Storage Can Make Maintenance Easy - Tip 2

Have you ever been in the bathroom and ran out of toilet paper when guests are over? Its pretty awkward asking your wife, partner, or friend for toilet paper while your in the bathroom. If only you had a vanity, or storage area for your bathroom to store your bathroom belongings...

This is where the expansion of bathroom can come in handy.  A small 35 SQFT storage bin, shelves or free standing storage shelves could be an excellent addition to your bathroom. Its good for organization, and keeping your bathroom neat, while having everything you need at your fingertips. 

Taking Advantage Of Technology - Tip 3

Our bathroom remodeling contractor love taking advantage of new and interesting technologies for the house, and bathroom remodeling is no different. Bathroom remodeling with technology in mind can mean different things to different people, so here is our take. 

Most cell phones are water proofed today. We seen Samsung commercialize dunking cell phone in a pool of water. Same with LG, Motorola, and even Apples Famous Iphone X. 


Some of our high end clients incorporate charging station in the bathroom to charge the phone while playing their favorite showering playlist in the soaking tub. You see how I incorporated all the tips above? We have installed water proofed speakers and connected it via Bluetooth to clients smart hub so you can play music and relax in your bathtub. 

Other technology we installed for the bathroom is heated tile flooring, custom colored lighting controlled with your cell phone and more. Our believe is incorporating technology in your bathroom so you can relax. If it does not help you relax, then it should not be there. 

We hoped you enjoyed our article, and if you do need bathroom remodeling contractor to help you design and build your bathroom in Anaheim, Irvine, Mission Viejo or anywhere between, contact us today to get started. 

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